In memory of our friend Mark

Our dear friend and past director of Oak Forest, Mark Rieland, passed away from a long bout with cancer on Friday, March 21.  His suffering is now over as he rejoices in the presence of his Savior, Jesus Christ!

In his honor, Mark's family has designated all memorial gifts to go to Oak Forest Retreat and Conference Center.

Ministry leadership has decided that all memorial gifts should be designated for Oak Forest's most urgent need; namely, a replacement well because the one current well has recently gone dry!

Thank you for your memorial gift towards our well project in honor of Mark!

Donate here
in memory of Mark Rieland.

How to Contact Us

Have a question about hosting your own retreat at Oak Forest? Visit the Plan Your Own Retreat page

Have general questions about Oak Forest? Call 715-327-4500 or email [email protected]

Where We're Located

Our western Wisconsin retreat center is located in the heart of Straight Lake State Park, just 6 miles northeast of Luck, WI, and 6 miles southeast of Frederic, WI.

To find us, you can either use our mailing address or our GPS coordinates.

  • Mailing Address: 2824 130th St., Frederic, WI 54837
  • GPS Coordinates: 45.616111, -92.42722

Distance (in Time) From:

  • Rice Lake, WI - 1 hour
  • Sandstone, MN - 1.25 hours
  • Minneapolis/St Paul, MN - 1.5 hours
  • Eau Claire, WI - 1.75 hours
  • Duluth, MN - 2 hours
  • Ashland, WI - 2.5 hours
  • Rochester, MN - 2.75 hours
  • Wausau, WI - 3 hours