In memory of our friend Mark

Our dear friend and past director of Oak Forest, Mark Rieland, passed away from a long bout with cancer on Friday, March 21.  His suffering is now over as he rejoices in the presence of his Savior, Jesus Christ!

In his honor, Mark's family has designated all memorial gifts to go to Oak Forest Retreat and Conference Center.

Ministry leadership has decided that all memorial gifts should be designated for Oak Forest's most urgent need; namely, a replacement well because the one current well has recently gone dry!

Thank you for your memorial gift towards our well project in honor of Mark!

Donate here
in memory of Mark Rieland.


Retreat & Conference Center

Refocus, Refresh, Renew

Oak Forest Retreat & Conference Center is a Christian adult retreat center in Wisconsin that combines the beauty of God’s handiwork with the quality and comfort of a modern facility. The attention to detail is exceeded only by the friendly service from a dedicated staff that diligently cares for each group's needs.




Who are Our Guests?

Some guests come to our retreat center in Wisconsin with a church group or as part of a ministry event. Some guests are here as part of a corporate retreat. Others come to our Wisconsin retreat center for a crafting retreat – a time to step away and focus their creativity. Individuals in full-time or bi-vocational ministry come for quiet retreats – a time of stillness and renewal.

But what all of our guests have in common is a need and desire to step away from the busyness of life. They come to Oak Forest Retreat & Conference Center and enter into a place that has been set apart – a place that will provide rest for their bodies and souls.

“Coming down the drive to Oak Forest, the rest of the world seems to fade away. The responsibilities and pressures of life just seem to disappear. I feel like I am heading into a place of peace.” - Beth H.

What Makes Us Different?

Oak Forest is a year-round Christian ministry. This is the core of who we are. Our vision is to provide a place set apart for all people who need nourishing of their souls. The difference between Oak Forest and other Wisconsin retreat centers, conference centers, and hotel centers, starts with this ministry mindset.

Since Oak Forest’s very beginning, there has been a strong emphasis on creating an atmosphere where adults can "come away" through our ministry of hospitality.

Our staff makes every effort to create an environment where our guests feel welcomed and cared for, in a place where they can refocus, refresh, and renew. For our staff, this is not a job, but a ministry of service to God’s people.

Our ministry focuses on clean and comfortable accommodations, amazing dining experiences, and a mission-driven staff that work to provide services that eliminate distractions for our guests. It is through this atmosphere that our guests can find the time and space to connect with God and His beautiful creation.

Unlike for-profit businesses, Oak Forest is non-profit. Our facilities and staff are underwritten by people who love to care for others by making this place exist. Our operational expenses are covered by the fees our guests pay.

Oak Forest is blessed by people who seek to make a difference in people's lives by investing in the staff, development, and expansion of this ministry.


Quiet Retreats at Oak Forest

As a Christian retreat center in Wisconsin, Oak Forest offers quiet retreats for anyone needing time away to focus on their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We offer a place for guests to spend time in prayer, fasting, studying scripture, or simply resting in the Lord's presence as they refocus, refresh, and renew.